This Is The WORST Mistake Artists Make

There are many mistakes that artists make (me included) like: comparing their art to others’ art, not practicing enough, overworking, not being willing to get feedback, etc…

But what I believe is the worst mistake of all is this:

Not being willing to suck, and in turn not creating art because they aren’t happy with the art they make.

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You have to be willing to make art that’s NOT great so that later you can make art that is GREAT.​ ​

Welcome your sucky artworks with open arms! Be proud of them! Because with each artwork you create, you’ll get better and better. You’ll get closer to creating better art.

If you’re not creating art because you are scared it won’t be as you imagined or it’ll suck, then you’ll never get past this “ugly” stage of being an artist.

Your first sucky artworks are the building blocks to your better artworks.

They’re the “first drafts”.​

The secret is: start obsessing over creating bad art.

To be ok with it.​ ​

And you don’t have to show anyone your art. You don’t have to post your art to Instagram if you don’t want to!

Make your art (good or sucky).​ ​


Sleep.​ ​

Work.​ ​


Care more about the act of just creating art whether it comes out good or bad than creating perfect pieces each time.

Care more about creating art that’s good or bad than creating just so you have something to post to Instagram.​ ​

Care more about creating art no matter how it turns out than creating the perfect masterpiece that ends up taking you months to complete.

Create more!

It’s that simple. And that hard.

But you can do it.