Isn't It Time To Finally Pursue Your Art And Dreams?

We don’t have much time

If we’re blessed to have a life of about 77 years, we only have 4000 weeks

28000 days

Isn’t it time to let go of the pointless things in life, and take hold of the things that matter to you?

Isn’t it time to finally make the time, or find the time to pursue your dreams?

So, Never give up on something you love doing.

It will always come back to you. It will always find you again and again and again.

Until you believe in yourself that you can do it.

I forced away my dream of being an artist. And eventually it came back to me - four years ago to be exact.

And when I gave in, and created art again. Magic happened.

Even though my art sucked (I went years without painting) I kept painting and it brought me so much joy.

The flame inside me reignited. And I felt at home again.

My advice to you is: if you want to paint, keep on painting. You’re meant to be an artist.

Even when you mess up painting after painting. Even when you don’t know how to mix the right colors. Even when your paintings don’t turn out how you pictured them in your head.

Keep creating anyways.

I know you struggle with staying motivated, finding time to create, and feeling frustrated with your art sometimes, but I believe in you.

You have to persevere.

As time goes by, your skills will improve. Painting will come more easily. And you’ll eventually paint exactly what you see in your mind.

You just have to believe in yourself and never give up.

It’s time to give your art and dreams a chance.

If you resonated with this, you may like my latest vlog - click HERE to watch!