How to Prevent Artist Burnout

Don't push yourself if you're tired or don't want to create

If you're tired or just don't want to create, that's okay. Don't push yourself! While I believe that most times inspiration will come to us once we start creating, it's important to also give yourself space and know when to and when to not push yourself.

Remember things always take longer than expected

Don't overstuff your calendar! Have a main focus for each week or each day. Do your most important tasks first and then leave room in your schedule to do other things you want to do.

That painting you want to start, it'll take longer than planned.

That Etsy shop you want to open, it'll take longer than you think.

That new product you want to create, it'll take longer than you want.

Give yourself more time than you think you will need.


Take breaks and RELAX

Don't just schedule your work and creating time in your calendar, but also your relaxing time.

Time to relax is just as important as the work you do!

I now only work until 3pm each work day. So far this has been amazing. I don't feel overworked like before.

I also now schedule one day a month where I do whatever I want to do, and I don't do any work. This will be a self-care day.

Stop getting on social media so much

While I appreciate social media for the opportunity it gives my art and business, and the fact that I can connect with you, it doesn't help my confidence or mental health.

During my week break, I uninstalled all my social apps and I felt SO much happier. I didn't have that constant pressure or anxiety to check my phone.

I also found that I didn't feel bad at all about my artwork. I didn't have the chance to compare myself to others on Instagram because I wasn't on.

Plan out a social media schedule - when you'll be on, post, and when you won't be on.

I now have an hour a day during my working time to engage on social media, answer emails and messages, and reply to comments.

I see social media now as a business task, not for entertainment. I don't get on anymore just to scroll. This is a personal preference though. If you still want to get on for fun and scroll, that's fine!

I also decided to not get on social media in the evenings and on the weekends. I encourage you to try this! It's been wonderful!


Create for FUN and for YOU

I struggle with this one a lot. Almost every artwork I now create is for a tutorial. I don't really create for fun much anymore.

So this is something I need to really work on.

We need to remember that we create art because we LOVE it. It's supposed to be FUN!

Remember you're doing the best you can

It's okay you paint slowly. It's okay it's taking you months to start that YouTube channel or open that Etsy shop.

It's okay you only have a few hours a week for your art.

Some seasons in life we're not alotted as much time to create or do the things we want to do.

That's okay. You're doing your best.

This is supposed to be a lifelong journey.

Did you find these ways helpful?

Will you try any of them?