Artists: The One BIG Thing You Need To Do To Succeed
Whether you create art as a hobby or have an artist business, this applies to BOTH.
Creating art is scary and takes courage.
And going all in on your art business dream is frightening.
But you know what’s even scarier? Regret.
It’s scarier to die with your dream inside you. It’s scarier to die and never have created the art that called to you.
If I could give you only ONE piece of advice, it’s this:
Fail fast and fail often.
Do this and you WILL succeed in your art and/or art business.
If we’re handed everything to us, how can we learn? How can we develop our artist inside us? How can we help and inspire others through our art and journey?
If making art and selling it was easy, what will happen when we do eventually fall? We most likely won’t get back up because we won’t have the strength to.
Failing builds strength, character, perseverance, grit, and courage.
Failing is necessary to create the art we’re called to create.
Failing is necessary for us to become strong enough to put our art out there, to grow as an artist, and to have the strength we need to keep going when we want to throw our art in the trash or close our Etsy shop.
I wish I had learned this 4 years ago when I picked my brushes back up.
I wish I realized this when I started my art business 3.5 years ago.
I wanted to know all the answers. I wanted every art piece I make to be PERFECT. I wanted everything to fall into place.
I wanted it to be EASY.
I wish I wasn’t afraid to look stupid and make mistakes. I would be farther along if I did.
I wish I had known that there is NO SUCCESS without falling down and getting back up (100x and counting).
There is no success without failing and creating bad art.
There is no success without taking a leap of faith and starting that art business, even if you fail and have no idea what you’re doing (if you do you started too late).
There is no failure when you're left with a lesson.
Fail fast, fail often, and repeat.
Are you willing to fail?