Artists: Here's The One Thing You Need To Stop Doing

When I was taking my break from work and social media, I journaled things I’d like to START doing and things I’d like to STOP doing.

There’s one that particularly stood out to me that I think you need to read.

STOP worrying about what other artists are doing.

When I stopped worrying about what other artists are doing, my happiness and confidence increased substantially. 

I wanted to be like them. I wanted their life. I wanted their studio. I wanted that new paint set they just bought. I wanted to create products like theirs.

I wanted to be HER. I wanted THIS and THAT.

And I found that I was never completely happy.

I would constantly compare myself to them. And not only that, but compare my art and products to their art and products. 

And then I would compare my Instagram to theirs. And my YouTube to their YouTube.

And I would instantly feel defeated and not good enough. 

I felt like my products couldn’t ever match theirs.

But now that I realized how this impacted my mental health, art, and business, I’m being more intentional.

Now, instead of focusing on what I don’t have that other artists do have and focusing on what they’re doing…

I’m focusing on how grateful I am that I have what I have.

I’m SO much more grateful. And SO much happier.

I’m more grateful for my art, my videos, my products, my studio, YOU. 

I’m so thankful.

And I’m free.

Is this something you need to stop doing too?