6 Promising Reasons You’ll Be a Successful Artist
You create the art you’re called to create
It’s important for you to create art you love. Art that inspires you and sets your soul on fire.
You try to not create what others want you to unless it’s something you’d like to create.
You don’t create art for “likes” or “follows”.
You don’t create art that will sell.
You create art for you.
You know that comparison is the thief of joy
You wake up and have your cup of coffee or tea and scroll Instagram.
You see some beautiful art that inspires you..but then slowly you start to compare your own art to their art.
And then you find yourself feeling awful about your own art.
But then you put your phone down and tell yourself to not give in to those negative thoughts!
Your art is your art, no one else’s. It’s uniquely yours and what makes you different from other artists.
You tell yourself this, and maybe you still feel down, but you try your best to not compare your art with others’ art!
And you put on your blinders and make art YOUR way.
You celebrate your improvements
You know it’s important to reflect on where you and your art came from.
Yeah maybe you throw some old art pieces out you never liked, but you keep some of them so you can later compare your old art to your new art.
You scroll to the bottom on your Instagram feed and see how much you've grown as an artist.
You journal or reflect on your growth and CELEBRATE it.
You don’t stay in your comfort zone
You welcome art that will push you out of your comfort zone. And you do this regularly.
Yeah, you create art you’re comfortable with, but sometimes you explore and try new things. Sometimes you even try scary things!
You understand this is good to stretch your skills! It's how you'll grow and improve.
You also realize that trying something challenging or different will also reignite your love for making art. It'll help freshen things up.
You are willing to suck
You understand that some of your art will suck, and that’s okay.
It's okay that your art isn't perfect. You’ve learned to accept that and be proud of the art you do make.
There will always be SOMETHING that you don't like with your art.
You know that in order to make amazing, inspiring art, you have to first make art that sucks.
You will do whatever it takes
Whatever it takes to get better at art.
Whatever it takes to make art each week.
Whatever it takes to build that art business.
Whatever it takes to start that art YouTube channel.
Whatever it takes to sell art consistently.
Even if it means you embarrass yourself.
Even if it means you only got 10 followers.
Even if it means you only sold one artwork this month.
Even if it means only your mom watched your YouTube video.
Even if it means your partner doesn’t support your dream.
Even if it means you don’t like most of the art you make.
You will do whatever it takes, for how long it takes.
You’re in it for the long run. You’re not going anywhere.