Easy Autumn Leaf Oil Painting Tutorial
Go here for the FREE Beginner’s Guide to Oil Painting ► https://www.allisonlyonart.com/free-beginners-guide-to-oil-painting
Today I have an easy autumn leaf oil painting tutorial for you (video is above)!
Scroll down for all the supplies you'll need. I used Galkyd to make my oil painting dry faster, but you don't need it! I mixed 50/50 Gamsol and Galkyd in the cap on my palette.
I didn't mention this in the video ~ I used a silicoil jar filled with Gamsol to clean my brushes. Scroll down for links to the supplies!
Finish the tutorial? Post on Instagram and tag me @allisonlyonart so I can see!
Quick Step By Step Overview:
1. Draw a leaf onto your painting surface
2. Mix a dark brown, lighter brown with yellow, and a yellow (use straight out of tube)
3. Paint the dark brown along the outer edge of the leaf
4. Paint the lighter brown with yellow along the dark brown edge and blend slightly
5. Fill in the rest of the leaf with yellow
6. Mix sap green with a bit of yellow
7. Paint in the veins of the leaf with the green
8. Add more yellow and green throughout the leaf
9. Paint in spots of the leaf and blend slightly
10. Paint the background if you’d like!
** Below is a photo of the leaf we’ll be painting. Feel free to use it as a reference! **
Oil Colors: cadmium yellow, cadmium red, sap green, burnt umber, titanium white
Beginner Oil Paint Set ► http://allisonlyonart.live/georgianoilset
Galkyd ► http://allisonlyonart.live/galkyd
Gamsol ► http://allisonlyonart.live/gamsol
Silicoil Jar ► http://allisonlyonart.live/silicoiljar
Palette Knife ► http://allisonlyonart.live/paletteknife
Brushes ► http://allisonlyonart.live/oilbrushset
6x6 gessoboard (but use whatever surface you'd like)
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10 Day Watercolor Woodland Animal Challenge ► https://allisonlyonart.live/watercoloranimalchallengeyt
10 Day Watercolor Bird Challenge ► https://allisonlyonart.live/watercolorbirdchallengeyt
10 Day Watercolor Butterfly Challenge ► https://allisonlyonart.live/watercolorbutterflychallengeyt
Free Beginner Watercolor Class ► https://allisonlyonart.live/freewatercolorclass
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