Allison Lyon Art

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8 Important Things Us Artists Need To Start Doing

I’ve been going through some changes in my personal life and artist life that have been challenging to deal with.

A few months ago I made the decision to stop focusing on painting tutorials so I can focus on my personal artwork.

I knew this change would impact my channel and my course sales. Even with that expectation, it’s still hard to see my views and revenue dip. But I try to remind myself my happiness comes before my business.

I’ve also been experimenting with my art - learning acrylics and getting back into oils. The art I see myself create isn’t limited to watercolor, so learning (and relearning ) these mediums have been quite difficult. I haven’t been happy with my art in what seems like a long time.

And I’m also expecting my first baby in April. Preparing myself, my home, and my business for his arrival has been a lot. I sometimes worry what this next chapter in my life will entail for my artwork and if I’ll be a good mom. I have no idea what to expect, but I do know it’ll all be worth it and I’ll do my best. I can’t wait to share my love for creating with him.

Through these challenges I’ve found 8 things that have helped me rise above them. And I’d love to share them with you.

1. Start your creative day off right

By creative day I mean a day you plan to create your art.

How you start your creative day determines how your day and creating time will go. I’ve found that when I start my day slowly with my tea or coffee, journaling and reading, and listening to my artist affirmations- my day usually goes much better, my art is better, and I’m more able to face challenges that come my way.

Of course how you begin your day depends on if you have children or a job to go to. You can make a creative morning routine based around your lifestyle.

You can find links down below for a book recommendation on this and my artist affirmations.

2. Create art you like, not what others want or expect from you

Anytime I don’t create for me but for someone else or what is expected of me, I never felt happy with the piece - during the creation process and the result.

I think this is because we need to feel passionate and excited about the art we’re creating.

Maybe you take commissions and find yourself always painting them and never working on personal projects.

Or maybe you create art for your friends and family and what they want...never for yourself.

Take a day for you, and create away. Create for you! It's important to do so to stay healthy as an artist.

3. Stop worrying what other artists are doing

When I stopped worrying about what other artists are doing, my happiness and confidence increased substantially.

I wanted to be like them. I wanted their life. I wanted their studio. I wanted that new paint set they just bought. I wanted to create products like theirs.

I wanted to be HER. I wanted THIS and THAT.

And I found that I was never completely happy.

I would constantly compare myself to them. And not only that, but compare my art and products to their art and products.

And I would instantly feel defeated and not good enough.

But now that I realized how this impacted my mental health, art, and business, I’m being more intentional.

Now, instead of focusing on what I don’t have that other artists do have and focusing on what they’re doing…

I’m focusing on how grateful I am that I have what I have.

I’m SO much more grateful. And SO much happier.

I’m so thankful.

And I’m free.

4. Create before getting on social media

I used to do this a lot. I'd wake up and before I even had my coffee, I'd be scrolling on Instagram.

I'd see some beautiful art that inspires me...but then slowly I'd start to compare my own art to their art.

And then I'd find myself feeling awful about my art, so much that I decided to not create that day.

So, I made myself a rule. I don't get on social media until lunchtime and I don’t get on Friday thru Sunday. And I try my best to create something in the morning before getting on.

I do break this rule at times, but it has helped me so much!

5. Celebrate how much your art has improved.

It's important to take a breather from the bustle of life and reflect.

How can you see where you're going if you don't remember where you came from?

Look at your old artworks and compare them to your current ones.

Scroll to the bottom on your Instagram feed and see how much you've grown as an artist.

Doing this will also help you remember WHY you started to create art in the first place - which is the foundation or soul of your artist self.

Reflect on your growth and celebrate it.

6. Try something new with your art you’ve always wanted to do

I know, making art that is difficult or scary is well...scary. It's intimidating!

But it's good to stretch your skills! It's how you'll grow and improve.

Trying something challenging or different will also reignite your love for making art. It'll help freshen things up.

7. See your art as perfectly imperfect

You want every piece of art you create to be perfect.

And maybe you feel like a failure if it's not.

Let me tell you...there's at least one thing I don't like about each art piece I make. So I can totally relate to this.

But you know what, it's okay. It's okay that my art isn't perfect. I've learned to accept that and be proud of the art I do make.

Don't get hung up on how imperfect your art is! Make it, be done, and move on to something new.

I feel like no matter how much art we've created or how long we've been artists, we will always think our art is not perfect.

There will always be SOMETHING that we don't like.

And that's okay :)

8. Seek friendships with other artists

Being part of an artist community - whether it’s online or local to you is so important. We should surround ourselves with other creative people. Doing so helps us keep going when things get hard, increases our motivation and inspiration, helps us feel like we belong, and helps us have a group of people we can relate to and seek help from when needed.

My blooming artist membership is currently closed but there’s a link down below to get notified when it opens again.

If you liked this, you may like this video here!

Which one of these do you need to start doing? Comment down below and share with us.